Shuze Chen

I am a junior undergraduate student at John's Honors Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in Theoretical Computer Science. Currently, I'm fortunate to work with Prof. Shuai Li on Online Learning and Algorithmic Game Theory at John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science, SJTU.

Email: csz1234567[AT]sjtu[DOT]edu[DOT]cn


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Research Interests

I am interested in Reinforcement Learning, Online Learning, Operations Reasearch and Experimentation. Specifically, I enjoy designing algorithms that have rigorous theoretical guarantees while also addressing practical real-world issues.

Awards and Honors

  • National Scholarship of China (Top 0.2% nationwide), 2022
  • Fan Hsu-Chi Scholarship (15 winners each year, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), 2023
  • Han-Ying-Ju-Hua Scholarship (15 winners each year, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), 2023
  • Zhiyuan Honorary Scholarship (Top 5%, , Shanghai Jiao Tong University), 2021,2022
  • A-class Academic Excellence Scholarship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2022

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